Multicore Optimisations

Version v1.0.0
Author Seb Home


This section follows up from the previous, except it looks at multicore technqiues. Although the title alludes to multicore optimisations, really this section just explores a few different ways of doing parallel programming.

Some methods explored include:

Base Case

The base case results are copied over from the single core section for more convenient comparison.

Measurement - Simple

perf stat:

 Performance counter stats for '../simple-main.out' (5 runs):

          6,790.06 msec task-clock                       #    1.000 CPUs utilized               ( +-  0.32% )
                19      context-switches                 #    2.798 /sec                        ( +- 21.87% )
                 0      cpu-migrations                   #    0.000 /sec                 
                74      page-faults                      #   10.898 /sec                        ( +-  0.33% )
    32,860,040,463      cycles                           #    4.839 GHz                         ( +-  0.05% )  (71.42%)
        65,087,926      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    0.20% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  0.66% )  (71.42%)
    94,076,906,095      instructions                     #    2.86  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.00  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.02% )  (71.42%)
    11,016,541,268      branches                         #    1.622 G/sec                       ( +-  0.02% )  (71.42%)
         1,787,269      branch-misses                    #    0.02% of all branches             ( +-  0.30% )  (71.43%)
    31,023,595,059      L1-dcache-loads                  #    4.569 G/sec                       ( +-  0.01% )  (71.44%)
           698,810      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.00% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  2.32% )  (71.43%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                        
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                  

            6.7914 +- 0.0214 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.32% )

perf record:

Samples: 364K of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 33305610924
Overhead  Command   Shared Object           Symbol
  79.44%  simple-main.out        [.] __cos_fma
  11.65%  simple-main.out  simple-main.out  [.] integral_riemann
   7.66%  simple-main.out  simple-main.out  [.] f_simple
   1.01%  simple-main.out  simple-main.out  [.] cos@plt


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 6847828

Measurement - Intermediate

perf stat:

 Performance counter stats for '../intermediate-main.out' (5 runs):

         14,740.38 msec task-clock                       #    1.000 CPUs utilized               ( +-  0.10% )
               157      context-switches                 #   10.651 /sec                        ( +- 74.36% )
                 1      cpu-migrations                   #    0.068 /sec                        ( +- 58.31% )
                69      page-faults                      #    4.681 /sec                        ( +-  0.46% )
    70,807,868,902      cycles                           #    4.804 GHz                         ( +-  0.10% )  (71.43%)
       144,735,511      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    0.20% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  1.62% )  (71.43%)
   235,111,065,770      instructions                     #    3.32  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.00  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.01% )  (71.43%)
    24,031,121,304      branches                         #    1.630 G/sec                       ( +-  0.01% )  (71.43%)
         3,867,468      branch-misses                    #    0.02% of all branches             ( +-  0.65% )  (71.43%)
    65,087,953,018      L1-dcache-loads                  #    4.416 G/sec                       ( +-  0.02% )  (71.43%)
         1,848,541      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.00% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  7.65% )  (71.43%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                        
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                  

           14.7420 +- 0.0146 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.10% )

perf record:

Samples: 769K of event 'cycles:Pu', Event count (approx.): 71618312319
Overhead  Command          Shared Object          Symbol
  60.73%  intermediate-ma              [.] __ieee754_pow_fma
  24.35%  intermediate-ma              [.] __cos_fma
  10.91%  intermediate-ma              [.] pow@@GLIBC_2.29
   2.67%  intermediate-ma  intermediate-main.out  [.] f_intermediate
   1.27%  intermediate-ma  intermediate-main.out  [.] integral_riemann


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 14846748

Linux pthreads

The test code provides an ideal environment for doing parallel computing- no data sharing or locks are required, each execution unit can just execute a function with a slice of work assigned to it. In this case, the slice of work is a smaller region within the upper and lower bounds of a Riemann integral.

One of the most basic ways to do this parallelisation is with pthreads created by pthread_create().

The summary of the modifications that need to be made to the test code is that each thread needs to be provided with a context of what work to do, as well as a place to store its results.

The integral_riemann() function was turned into a thread initialiser and runner, and a new integral_riemann_thread() function was created to perform the actual integral summation, given a chunk of work.

Another thing the code does is sets the affinity of a thread to a specific CPU core. This binds the thread to only run on that CPU, which has benefits related to caching since a given slice of work will only be worked on by a single physical thread. The benefits probably won’t be seen for the toy sample code, but it’s a concept worth keeping in mind for more complex cases.

// Context provided to a single thread that describes the work it should do
struct riemann_sum_ctx {
    double lower_bound;
    double upper_bound;
    double step;
    mathfunc_single_param_t integrand_f;
    double *sum_accum;

// Thread target
// arg is interpreted as a `struct riemann_sum_ctx`
void *integral_riemann_thread(void *arg) {
    struct riemann_sum_ctx *ctx = (struct riemann_sum_ctx *)arg;
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (double n = ctx->lower_bound; n < ctx->upper_bound; n += ctx->step) {
        // The multiplication is kept here for fairer comparison with the base case
        sum += (ctx->integrand_f(n) * ctx->step);

    // Store the acquired result in the provided location
    *(ctx->sum_accum) = sum;

    return NULL;

double __attribute__ ((noinline)) integral_riemann(mathfunc_single_param_t integrand,
        double upper_bound, double lower_bound, double split, int nthreads) {

    // Bounds checks are ignored
    double step = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / split;

    // The block of rectangles to assign to a single thread
    double nthread_split = (split / nthreads);

    // Array accumulating the results from various threads
    double *sum_accum = calloc(nthreads, sizeof(double));

    pthread_t *all_threads = calloc(nthreads, sizeof(pthread_t));
    struct riemann_sum_ctx *all_ctx = calloc(nthreads,
            sizeof(struct riemann_sum_ctx));

    double cur_lower_bound = lower_bound;
    double cur_upper_bound = lower_bound + (step * nthread_split);
    pthread_attr_t cur_attr;
    cpu_set_t cur_cpu_set;

    // Start all threads, providing a context with the bounds to calculate,
    // integrand function to use, and a storage space for the results;
    for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
        struct riemann_sum_ctx *cur_ctx = &all_ctx[i]; //calloc(1, sizeof(struct riemann_sum_ctx));
        cur_ctx->lower_bound = cur_lower_bound;
        cur_ctx->upper_bound = cur_upper_bound;
        cur_ctx->step = step;
        cur_ctx->integrand_f = integrand;
        cur_ctx->sum_accum = &sum_accum[i];

        // Set thread affinity to a single CPU. Assume that nthreads <= num CPUs
        // Errors ignored for brevity
        CPU_SET(i, &cur_cpu_set);
        pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(&cur_attr, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cur_cpu_set);

        pthread_create(&all_threads[i], &cur_attr, integral_riemann_thread, cur_ctx);
        // Update bounds for next run
        cur_lower_bound = cur_upper_bound;
        cur_upper_bound += (step * nthread_split);

        // Has no effect on threads that used this attribute struct

    // Wait for all threads to run, add their results
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
        pthread_join(all_threads[i], NULL);
        sum += sum_accum[i];
    return sum;

Measurement - Simple

Sanity check: results seem accurate

Riemann:    0.707107
Analytical: 0.707107

perf stat

 Performance counter stats for './test.out' (5 runs):

         11,011.56 msec task-clock:u                     #   15.526 CPUs utilized               ( +-  0.68% )
                 0      context-switches:u               #    0.000 /sec                 
                 0      cpu-migrations:u                 #    0.000 /sec                 
               107      page-faults:u                    #    9.717 /sec                        ( +-  0.96% )
    44,229,816,368      cycles:u                         #    4.017 GHz                         ( +-  0.21% )  (71.38%)
       349,020,061      stalled-cycles-frontend:u        #    0.79% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  4.75% )  (71.33%)
    94,957,685,418      instructions:u                   #    2.15  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.00  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.02% )  (71.41%)
    10,992,954,578      branches:u                       #  998.310 M/sec                       ( +-  0.01% )  (71.47%)
            38,107      branch-misses:u                  #    0.00% of all branches             ( +-  0.69% )  (71.50%)
    33,917,664,527      L1-dcache-loads:u                #    3.080 G/sec                       ( +-  0.11% )  (71.53%)
            84,741      L1-dcache-load-misses:u          #    0.00% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  4.79% )  (71.50%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads:u                                                      
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses:u                                                

           0.70925 +- 0.00605 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.85% )

perf report

Samples: 575K of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 43328118163
Overhead  Command          Shared Object           Symbol
  61.26%  simple-main-thr               [.] __cos_fma
  23.20%  simple-main-thr  simple-main-thread.out  [.] integral_riemann_thread
  13.54%  simple-main-thr  simple-main-thread.out  [.] f_simple
   1.64%  simple-main-thr  simple-main-thread.out  [.] cos@plt


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 725375

Compared to the base case, there appears to be fewer L1-dcache misses (although there was quite a lot of variance in this value over multiple runs).

Measurement - Intermediate

Accuracy is still good for the intermediate function:

Riemann:    0.442619
Analytical: 0.442619

perf stat

 Performance counter stats for './intermediate-main-thread.out' (5 runs):

         28,628.92 msec task-clock:u                     #   15.814 CPUs utilized               ( +-  3.19% )
                 0      context-switches:u               #    0.000 /sec                 
                 0      cpu-migrations:u                 #    0.000 /sec                 
               106      page-faults:u                    #    3.703 /sec                        ( +-  0.69% )
   111,708,146,425      cycles:u                         #    3.902 GHz                         ( +-  0.04% )  (71.43%)
       280,483,146      stalled-cycles-frontend:u        #    0.25% frontend cycles idle        ( +- 11.81% )  (71.41%)
   235,918,164,377      instructions:u                   #    2.11  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.00  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.01% )  (71.42%)
    23,992,618,217      branches:u                       #  838.055 M/sec                       ( +-  0.01% )  (71.43%)
           107,570      branch-misses:u                  #    0.00% of all branches             ( +-  2.93% )  (71.44%)
    75,791,358,148      L1-dcache-loads:u                #    2.647 G/sec                       ( +-  0.05% )  (71.46%)
           203,534      L1-dcache-load-misses:u          #    0.00% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  2.62% )  (71.45%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads:u                                                      
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses:u                                                

            1.8104 +- 0.0590 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  3.26% )

perf report

Samples: 1M of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 111497598005
Overhead  Command          Shared Object                 Symbol
  47.76%  intermediate-ma                     [.] __ieee754_pow_fma
  22.75%  intermediate-ma                     [.] __cos_fma
  10.69%  intermediate-ma                     [.] pow@@GLIBC_2.29
   8.76%  intermediate-ma  intermediate-main-thread.out  [.] f_intermediate
   7.58%  intermediate-ma  intermediate-main-thread.out  [.] integral_riemann_thread


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 1869606

Linux pthreads + AVX

For fun, let’s see what sort of numbers can be achieved using AVX along with pthreads. The vectorised Taylor series code from the singlecore section was used, and the vectorised integral_riemann function was simply moved to inside integral_riemann_thread.

Measurement - Simple

perf stat

 Performance counter stats for './simple-main-thread-vector.out' (5 runs):

            920.44 msec task-clock                       #   15.158 CPUs utilized               ( +-  0.52% )
                51      context-switches                 #   55.408 /sec                        ( +-  4.41% )
                16      cpu-migrations                   #   17.383 /sec                        ( +-  3.06% )
               112      page-faults                      #  121.681 /sec                        ( +-  0.94% )
     3,682,194,034      cycles                           #    4.000 GHz                         ( +-  0.11% )  (70.48%)
       228,067,080      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    6.19% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  0.27% )  (70.61%)
     3,354,281,579      instructions                     #    0.91  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.07  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.13% )  (71.94%)
       375,866,652      branches                         #  408.355 M/sec                       ( +-  0.10% )  (72.11%)
           379,075      branch-misses                    #    0.10% of all branches             ( +-  0.49% )  (72.10%)
     1,757,492,076      L1-dcache-loads                  #    1.909 G/sec                       ( +-  0.11% )  (72.08%)
           338,479      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.02% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  7.50% )  (71.74%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                        
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                  

          0.060724 +- 0.000141 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.23% )

perf report

Samples: 116K of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 3328719126
Overhead  Command          Shared Object                  Symbol
  55.46%  simple-main-thr  simple-main-thread-vector.out  [.] f_simple
  43.44%  simple-main-thr  simple-main-thread-vector.out  [.] integral_riemann_thread


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 57845

Although this is just a toy example, getting code to run in ~0.8% of its original execution time is fun to see.

Measurement - Intermediate

perf stat

 Performance counter stats for './intermediate-thread-vector.out' (5 runs):

          2,842.16 msec task-clock:u                     #   15.496 CPUs utilized               ( +-  0.11% )
                 0      context-switches:u               #    0.000 /sec                 
                 0      cpu-migrations:u                 #    0.000 /sec                 
               106      page-faults:u                    #   37.296 /sec                        ( +-  0.71% )
    11,629,496,317      cycles:u                         #    4.092 GHz                         ( +-  0.13% )  (71.10%)
     3,733,557,016      stalled-cycles-frontend:u        #   32.10% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  0.47% )  (70.96%)
    27,164,493,119      instructions:u                   #    2.34  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.14  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.03% )  (71.14%)
     5,606,533,234      branches:u                       #    1.973 G/sec                       ( +-  0.07% )  (71.58%)
            15,672      branch-misses:u                  #    0.00% of all branches             ( +-  0.85% )  (71.97%)
     2,497,147,630      L1-dcache-loads:u                #  878.609 M/sec                       ( +-  0.09% )  (71.97%)
            15,879      L1-dcache-load-misses:u          #    0.00% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  4.35% )  (71.62%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads:u                                                      
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses:u                                                

          0.183415 +- 0.000813 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.44% )

perf report

Samples: 160K of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 12233787299
Overhead  Command          Shared Object                   Symbol
  91.51%  intermediate-th  intermediate-thread-vector.out  [.] f_intermediate
   8.16%  intermediate-th  intermediate-thread-vector.out  [.] integral_riemann_thread


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 182442

Interestingly, there is a significant amount of stalled cycles in this test. Even more interestingly, changing the multiplication order inside f_intermediate() reduces this number slightly and generates a small speedup. The above results come from a multiplication order of x * taylor_exp(x) * taylor_cos(x). Changing this to taylor_exp(x) * taylor_cos(x) * x results in a runtime of ~0.168 seconds and a stalled-cycles-frontend value of 20%.


OpenMP is an API specification for performing multi-threaded, shared memory parallel programming. This specification is implemented by many different compilers, including GCC and clang. OpenMP was an interesting case to look at due to its prevelance in High Performance Computing. For such applications, OpenMP is often used alongside an MPI implementation such as OpenMPI for distributed memory message passing. Message passing wasn’t needed for the simple test code, and so was not examined here.

The OpenMP site provides a syntax reference guide.

The resources used for this section include tutorials from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the University of Colorado Boulder.

The basic case of using OpenMP involves using some #pragma directive sections to define special code regions, such as those that should be executed in parallel. There are also helper functions to get the number of threads running, or which thread is currently running some chunk of work.

It was surpisingly straightforward to get something up and running, and only required modification of the integral_riemann function. A #pragma omp parallel region was defined that will automatically be executed by some number of threads (using the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable). The bounds assigned to a particular thread was calculated using its thread number, and the sums from each thread were brought together in a thread safe #pragma omp critical.

double __attribute__ ((noinline)) integral_riemann(mathfunc_single_param_t integrand, double upper_bound,
        double lower_bound, double split) {
    // Bounds checks are ignored
    double sum = 0.0;
    double partial_sum = 0.0;
    double step = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / split;
    double nthread_split = (split / omp_get_max_threads());

    double thread_lower_bound;
    double thread_upper_bound;

    // Used to calculate the upper and lower bounds for a particular thread
    double thread_chunk_spread = nthread_split * step;

    #pragma omp parallel shared(sum, step, split, nthread_split, thread_chunk_spread)
        double partial_sum = 0.0;
        double thread_lower_bound = thread_chunk_spread * omp_get_thread_num();
        double thread_upper_bound = thread_chunk_spread * (omp_get_thread_num()+1);

        for (double n = thread_lower_bound; n < thread_upper_bound; n += step) {
            partial_sum += (integrand(n) * step);

        // Add up partial sums in a thread safe way
        #pragma omp critical
            sum += partial_sum;

    return sum;

There were many other OpenMP directives available, so it’s possible that the code could be written in a smarter way, however even in it’s current state it required less work than using pthreads (makes sense given that it’s a higher level construct).

Measurement - Simple

Sanity check: accuracy is good

Riemann:    0.707107
Analytical: 0.707107

perf stat

 Performance counter stats for './simple-main-openmp.out' (5 runs):

         11,284.30 msec task-clock                       #   15.654 CPUs utilized               ( +-  0.06% )
               447      context-switches                 #   39.613 /sec                        ( +-  5.50% )
                 0      cpu-migrations                   #    0.000 /sec                 
               133      page-faults                      #   11.786 /sec                        ( +-  1.17% )
    46,451,441,275      cycles                           #    4.116 GHz                         ( +-  0.03% )  (71.43%)
       105,540,697      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    0.23% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  1.82% )  (71.39%)
    95,125,136,441      instructions                     #    2.05  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.00  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.01% )  (71.41%)
    12,030,432,212      branches                         #    1.066 G/sec                       ( +-  0.02% )  (71.45%)
         2,756,249      branch-misses                    #    0.02% of all branches             ( +-  0.94% )  (71.45%)
    31,046,661,926      L1-dcache-loads                  #    2.751 G/sec                       ( +-  0.02% )  (71.49%)
         2,621,403      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.01% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +-  1.00% )  (71.50%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                        
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                  

           0.72086 +- 0.00281 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.39% )

perf report

Samples: 605K of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 46219698949
Overhead  Command          Shared Object           Symbol
  61.28%  simple-main-ope               [.] __cos_fma
  24.07%  simple-main-ope  simple-main-openmp.out  [.] integral_riemann._omp_fn.0
  11.50%  simple-main-ope  simple-main-openmp.out  [.] f_simple
   2.15%  simple-main-ope  simple-main-openmp.out  [.] cos@plt


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 742329

Results were fairly comparable to the pthreads case here, if slightly slower.

Measurement - Intermediate

perf stat

 Performance counter stats for './intermediate-main-openmp.out' (5 runs):

         28,983.99 msec task-clock                       #   15.473 CPUs utilized               ( +-  3.04% )
               996      context-switches                 #   34.364 /sec                        ( +- 11.90% )
                 9      cpu-migrations                   #    0.311 /sec                        ( +- 82.82% )
               139      page-faults                      #    4.796 /sec                        ( +-  1.48% )
   113,759,251,278      cycles                           #    3.925 GHz                         ( +-  0.05% )  (71.42%)
       374,681,343      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    0.33% frontend cycles idle        ( +-  6.62% )  (71.40%)
   236,237,309,751      instructions                     #    2.08  insn per cycle       
                                                  #    0.00  stalled cycles per insn     ( +-  0.01% )  (71.41%)
    25,059,856,298      branches                         #  864.610 M/sec                       ( +-  0.01% )  (71.44%)
         6,914,352      branch-misses                    #    0.03% of all branches             ( +-  3.29% )  (71.45%)
    73,563,201,411      L1-dcache-loads                  #    2.538 G/sec                       ( +-  0.08% )  (71.46%)
        23,518,921      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.03% of all L1-dcache accesses   ( +- 72.64% )  (71.45%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                        
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                  

            1.8732 +- 0.0826 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  4.41% )

perf report

Samples: 1M of event 'cycles:P', Event count (approx.): 112835682962
Overhead  Command          Shared Object                 Symbol
  44.96%  intermediate-ma                     [.] __ieee754_pow_fma
  24.34%  intermediate-ma                     [.] __cos_fma
  10.33%  intermediate-ma                     [.] pow@@GLIBC_2.29
   9.62%  intermediate-ma  intermediate-main-openmp.out  [.] f_intermediate
   8.01%  intermediate-ma  intermediate-main-openmp.out  [.] integral_riemann._omp_fn.0


Microseconds in Riemann integral: 1928942

Same commentary as before- more or less the same as the pthreads case, maybe slightly slower.

OpenMP Vectorised Notes

A similar test to the pthreads example was ran, where the vectorised versions of functions were used with the OpenMP code. This produced more or less the exact same results as the pthreads versions with the same notes, so these results are not included.


Next we look at some GPU programming with NVIDIA’s CUDA programming interface/toolkit.

The resources using include NVIDIA’s introductory guide to CUDA. The CUDA C++ Programming Guide was also used.


The main difference between GPU and CPU execution is that CPUs are designed to run a single thread per core (or more, with technologies like Simulataneous Multithreading) very fast. The total number of threads that can run simultaneously is fairly low (16 on my system), at least by comparison with GPUs.

GPUs run thousands of threads in parallel, each at a lower speed than CPUs. This makes them suited for highly parallel data processing tasks.

CUDA allows definitions of functions called kernels that are to be executed on a GPU. These are defined using the __global__ declaration. When calling the kernels, a <<<stuff>>> syntax is used to specify how many blocks/threads will be used when executing that kernel.

Thread blocks can be specified in 1/2/3 dimensions to provide more natural ways to specify computations related to vectors/matricies/volumes. The example code is translated to a 1 dimensional thread block for clarity. Each thread block can have a maximum of 1024 threads on my device (NVIDIA GeFore RTX 3080). There are a few factors to consider when determining how many blocks to use/threads per block, including GPU shared memory and register limitations per multiprocessor. A stack overflow post gave some beginner advice on the topic. NVIDIA also has some tables that list the various technical details for its devices. Blocks themselves are organised into a ‘grid’.

NVIDIA has a repo of code examples, including for a deviceQuery application. The stats of threads/block and number of multiprocessors on the device were found using this application. This was used to find that my device had 68 multiprocessors available.

Example Kernel

An kernel was made to demonstrate how work can be distributed amongst threads. In this example, a number is given to a thread and the thread calculates how to split the number, and what chunk of work it would be assigned to do.

These values are obtained from built-in variables that are accessible within a kernel, such as gridDim blockDim, blockIdx, and threadIdx. These variables have 3 dimensions, which can be accessed via its .x, .y, and .z members. In the example below it’s assumed these are 1 dimensional, so only the .x member is used.

void divide_work_even_split(int number) {
    int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x
    int assigned = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    // Assumes a whole number division
    int split = number / stride;
    int assigned_split = assigned * split;

    printf("threadIdx: %d | blockIdx: %d\n", threadIdx.x, blockIdx.x);
    printf("Stride: %d | Assigned: %d\n", stride, assigned);
    printf("Split: %d | Assigned split: %d\n", split, assigned_split);

Invoking this kernel with 1 block and 2 threads/block to split up the value 100 can be done with:

divide_work_even_split<<<1, 2>>>(100);

This can be placed within a file (which is just a C++ file) inside the main() function and compiled with the nvcc compiler. The function call will be ran by 2 different threads, yielding the output:

threadIdx: 0 | blockIdx: 0
threadIdx: 1 | blockIdx: 0
Stride: 2 | Assigned: 0
Stride: 2 | Assigned: 1
Split: 50 | Assigned split: 0
Split: 50 | Assigned split: 50

Changing the values to 2 blocks each with 2 threads results in the output:

threadIdx: 0 | blockIdx: 0
threadIdx: 1 | blockIdx: 0
threadIdx: 0 | blockIdx: 1
threadIdx: 1 | blockIdx: 1
Stride: 4 | Assigned: 0
Stride: 4 | Assigned: 1
Stride: 4 | Assigned: 2
Stride: 4 | Assigned: 3
Split: 25 | Assigned split: 0
Split: 25 | Assigned split: 25
Split: 25 | Assigned split: 50
Split: 25 | Assigned split: 75

In this way it’s easy to see how an individual thread can calculate what work it should do.

Test Code

Translating the test code to a CUDA kernel was fairly straightforward. A section was added for the running thread to calculate the chunk of work assigned to it in a similar way to the previous section. Afterwards, the same Riemann sum loop was ran over the calculated bounds, except without the previously used function pointers.

The f_simple() and f_intermediate() functions had to be designated with the __device__ declaration, marking them as functions to run on the GPU. This new intergral kernel is integral_riemann_kernel() in the code below. It is invoked in integral_riemann_kernel(), which serves to set up some state (including the number of blocks/threads to use) and run the kernel.

Each kernel writes its result to a buffer allocated to be accessible from both GPU and CPU space. After the kernels are finished, this buffer is summed over to get the final result.

The NVIDIA docs specify that it is not allowed to take the address of a __device__ function in host code, which seems to make it hard to do the same function pointer passing from the regular test code. There are posts on doing function pointer things using templates and memcpy operations, and NVIDIA provides some sample code that uses function pointers, however for the testing the function that was called was manually modified from f_simple to f_intermediate.

void integral_riemann_kernel(double upper_bound, double lower_bound,
    double split, double *results) {

  // Split assigned chunks over the number of threads
  long thread_chunks = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
  long assigned_thread_chunk = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  // Split the number of rectangles evenly over the number of threads
  double work_per_thread = split / thread_chunks;
  double assigned_chunk_start = assigned_thread_chunk * work_per_thread;

  // Bounds checks are ignored
  double step = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / split;

  double thread_lower_bound = assigned_chunk_start * step;
  double thread_upper_bound = (assigned_chunk_start + work_per_thread) * step;

  double sum = 0.0;
  for (double n = thread_lower_bound; n < thread_upper_bound; n += step) {
        sum += f_simple(n) * step;
        //sum += (f_intermediate(n) * step);
  results[assigned_thread_chunk] = sum;

double integral_riemann(mathfunc_single_param_t integrand, double upper_bound,
        double lower_bound, double split) {
    int numBlocks = 68;
    int blockSize = 1024;
    int totalThreads = numBlocks * blockSize;
    // Allocate memory to hold sums for each thread
    // This is accessible from both CPU and GPU memory
    // Errors ignored for brevity
    double *all_sums;
    cudaMallocManaged(&all_sums, totalThreads*sizeof(double));

    integral_riemann_kernel<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(upper_bound, lower_bound,
                                                      split, all_sums);

    // Wait for GPU to finish

    double sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < totalThreads; i++) {
        sum += all_sums[i];
    return sum;

The maximum number of threads per block was used (1024), and the number of blocks was set to the number of multiprocessors on the GPU (68).

Base Case - Windows

The GPU system I had was running Windows, so to get some fairer comparisons the base case the test code was copied over to the Windows system and built.

Trying to find/use performance related tools on Windows was not fun and is not recommended. In the end the diagnostic tools that come with Visual Studio were used to observe how fast the ‘Release’ version of the built code ran. I’m not entirely sure what optimisations the ‘Release’ version might add, but a very primal feeling of fear told me to get off this platform as fast as possible.

Collecting extra information like the number of instructions executed/cycles taken or cache miss rates is left as an exercise to the user.

The CPU used is a Intel Core i7-12700KF.

The f_simple case ran in 1.568 seconds.

The f_intermediate case ran in 14.589 seconds, which didn’t make much sense given the f_simple test, but questioning it quickly became out of scope the longer I spent in this environment.

Measurement - Simple

The number of rectangles were not split perfectly among the 68 blocks of 1024 threads (69632 threads total), so the accuracy of the results suffered a bit:

Riemann:    0.707146
Analytical: 0.707107

The NVIDIA Nsight Systems application was used to perform GPU kernel profiling, and reported that the integreal_riemann_kernel function took ~95ms to run. Bumping the split number to 10 billion resulted in a ~888ms run. These results were for the case of using the regular math functions (cos()), which are provided by built-in functions accessible to the kernels.

When using the Taylor series functions instead this number went up to 460ms (back at a 1 billion rectangle split). It appears that the compiler did not make the same sort of optimisations that GCC did to these functions.

Using the cosine_approx() small angle approximation code resulted in slightly worse performance than the original run at 113ms.

This was a somewhat surprising result for a few reasons. It was expected that this method would result in the fastest execution (although it was the fastest when not considering AVX code). It is very possible that I was unaware of some CUDA features available that would’ve improved these results, or could’ve structured the code to take advantage of the hardware better.

It may also be the case that the toy code example was easier for the compiler to optimise to run on a CPU, and the benefits may not scale to more complex cases.

It is also surprising to see that some of the optimisations that made CPU code faster (small angle approximations, Taylor expansions) did not achieve speedups for the GPU code- perhaps this had to do with the operations being performed, or perhaps the translation to GPU code did not result in the same sort of optimisations being performed that were done to the CPU code.

Measurement - Intermediate

Again accuracy was slightly off for the same reasons as the previous case:

Riemann:    0.442643
Analytical: 0.442619

NVIDIA Nsight Systems reported that the integreal_riemann_kernel function took ~458ms to run using the math.h functions.

When using the Taylor series code, this went up to 887ms.


OpenCL is an alternative framework to CUDA for running programs on GPUs (and also on other processing units, e.g. FPGAs). NVIDIA has support and examples for the OpenCL API.

The main resource used for learning about OpenCL include several example problems and a tutorial from the Univeristy of Luxembourg on the subject.

OpenCL in general involved a lot more boilerplate than using CUDA, however there is also more flexibility in the platforms OpenCL programs can run on.

The main parts involved in running an OpenCL program are:

OpenCL kernels are usually placed in separate files, and like CUDA have access to some built-in functions related to problem decomposition and some others (such as math functions).

Two concepts related to running a program are the ‘global size’ and ‘local size’. The global size represents the entire problem, and dictates how many times a kernel will be run in total (e.g. the number of pixels to be operated on in an image). This generally can be as large as required. The local size dictates how many threads will be created in a group, and is constrained by the underlying hardware that will run the kernel. This stack overflow post described some of the constraints for the different sizes.


The kernel to be executed was placed into its own file. The integral_riemann_kernel() function mostly mirrors it’s CUDA counterpart, except it uses OpenCL built-in functions and is directly provided the split number instead of calculating it:

double f_simple(double x) {
    return cos(x);

double f_intermediate(double x) {
    return (x * pow(M_E, x) * cos(x));

__kernel void integral_riemann_kernel(double split, double step,
    __global double *results) {

    size_t stride = get_local_size(0) * get_num_groups(0);
    size_t assigned_num = get_global_id(0);

    double work_per_thread = split / stride;
    double assigned_start = assigned_num * work_per_thread;

    double thread_lower_bound = assigned_start * step;
    double thread_upper_bound = (assigned_start + work_per_thread) * step;

    double partial_sum = 0.0;
    for (double n = thread_lower_bound; n <= thread_upper_bound; n += step) {
      partial_sum += f_simple(n) * step;
        //partial_sum += f_intermediate(n) * step;
    results[assigned_num] = partial_sum;

The regular integral_riemann function was turned into a kernel initialiser and runner. The first OpenCL-related part of this function was to determine the global size to use. Although the global size set for a kernel tends to be related to the problem being solved, in this case it is set to the number of threads used in the CUDA code just for an easier time comparing the two implementations/results. This means the individual kernel threads will figure out which block of the 1 billion rectangles they should be handling, similar to the CUDA case.

This global size is also used to allocate a results array to eventually read back the partial sums of every thread.

size_t globalSize = 68 * 1024;
size_t localSize = 1024;
double *sum_accum = calloc(globalSize, sizeof(double));
size_t sum_accum_sz = globalSize * sizeof(double);

// Device memory for the sum accumulation buffer
cl_mem sum_accum_kernel;

Then, the platform and device is selected. Error checking is ignored for brevity.

cl_int err;
cl_platform_id platform_id;
cl_device_id device_id;
err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform_id, NULL);
err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device_id, NULL);

This is followed by setting up the context and command queue. Note that OpenCL comes with some APIs for performing profiling, which is set in the command queue creation here.

cl_context context = clCreateContext(0, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, &err);
cl_command_queue queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id,  CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &err);

Next the program is built and the kernel is set up:

cl_program program = build_program(context, device_id, PROGRAM_FILE);
cl_kernel kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "integral_riemann_kernel", &err);

PROGRAM_FILE is simply the name of the source file containing the kernel, and the build_program function here contains some functionality to read a source file into memory, then calls the following OpenCL functions:

program = clCreateProgramWithSource(ctx, 1,
(const char**)&program_buffer, &program_size, &err);
err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Next, a results buffer is allocated in device memory and the kernel arguments are set:

sum_accum_kernel = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, sum_accum_sz, NULL, NULL);

// Set kernel arguments
err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(double), &split);
err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(double), &step);
err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &sum_accum_kernel);

Afterwards, the kernel is ran and waited for. The event0 variable is used to collect profiling data, which was set earlier during command queue creation.

cl_event event0;
err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, &globalSize, &localSize,
                  0, NULL, &event0);
clWaitForEvents (1, &event0);

The profiling data is read afterwards:

unsigned long start = 0;
unsigned long end = 0;

// Compute the duration in nanoseconds, then convert to microseconds
unsigned long duration = end - start;
printf("Microseconds taken: %g\n", ((double)duration)/1e3);

The partial sums are then read into the sum_accum buffer, which is also waited for:

clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, sum_accum_kernel, CL_TRUE, 0,
          sum_accum_sz, sum_accum, 0, NULL, NULL);


Finally, the final result is tallied and returned:

double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < globalSize; i++) {
  sum += sum_accum[i];
return sum;

This code was compiled and ran on both the previous NVIDIA RTX 3080 and also a Radeon 780M integrated graphics processor, found on a AMD Ryzen 7840U.

Similarly to the CUDA measurement, the profiling data for the kernel run time is used only, instead of the runtime for the whole program.

Measurement 780M - Simple

The accuracy was slightly off, in the same way as the CUDA case and for the same reasons:

Riemann:    0.707146
Analytical: 0.707107

The average runtime was:

Microseconds taken: 752414

This was not bad, and about matched the OpenMP test. Note that this time is measured for the kernel only, not the integral_riemann function, which is what most of the other tests measured. They are spiritually equivalent, however not entirely comparable. The integral_riemann function in this case takes about ~1004732 microseconds to run (includes the run time for the kernel), which shows the impact of some of the OpenCL setup code.

It was interesting to see what sort of computation capability an integrated graphics processor had.

Using the Taylor expansions resulted in worse performance, with runtimes ~1138400 microseconds.

Using the cosine small angle approximation resulted in a faster runtime of ~455588 microseconds (but with different result errors).

Measurement 780M - Intermediate

Again, the accuracy was off in the same way as the CUDA case:

Riemann:    0.442643
Analytical: 0.442619

The average runtime was:

Microseconds taken: 1180752

This was fairly surprising- the result was faster than the OpenMP/pthreads case!

The Taylor expansion code was slower, resulting in average runtimes of ~1795730 microseconds.

Measurement RTX 3080 - Simple

The accuracy was the same as the previous and CUDA cases.

The average runtime was:

Microseconds taken: 94081

This was roughly the same as the CUDA case- there may be some small differences in how the profiling data is obtained here vs. how NVIDIA Nsight obtains it. In any case, there doesn’t seem to be additional overhead involved with using the OpenCL API instead of CUDA.

When using the Taylor expansion code, this time went up to ~457113 microseconds- again the same as the CUDA example. This trend of following the CUDA case continued for the small angle approximation, which ran in ~112933 microseconds.

Measurement RTX 3080 - Intermediate

The accuracy has the same notes as the previous test.

The average runtime was:

Microseconds taken: 537289

This seems to have been slightly slower than the CUDA case.

The Taylor expansion code pushed this up to ~896687 microseconds, which was roughly the same as the CUDA case.


In the tables below, Riemann Time is the bpftrace measured time of the integral_riemann function measured in microseconds, and Speed Comparison is the Riemann Time of the test case over the base case. The Instructions column measures the amount of instructions executed as measured by perf stat

For the CUDA tests and OpenCL tests, the times measure the time taken to execute the GPU kernel only, not to run the integral_riemann function (which is what the other tests measure). Additionally, the ‘Speed Comparison’ for the CUDA and OpenCL 3080 tests is measured against the ‘Windows Base case’ test instead of the ‘Base case’.

The OpenCL 780M integrated graphics processor test is compared against the regular base case.

For the f_simple tests:

Optimisation Riemann Time Speed Comparison Instructions
Base case 6847828 1.000 94,076,906,095
Base + pthreads 725375 0.106 94,957,685,418
pthreads O3 vectorised 57845 0.008 3,354,281,579
OpenMP 742329 0.108 95,125,136,441
Windows Base case 1568000 0.229 N/A
CUDA 95000 0.061 N/A
OpenCL 780M 752414 0.110 N/A
OpenCL 3080 94081 0.060 N/A

For the f_intermediate tests:

Optimisation Riemann Time Speed Comparison Instructions
Base case 14846748 1.000 235,111,065,770
Base + pthreads 1869606 0.126 235,918,164,377
pthreads O3 vectorised 182442 0.012 27,164,493,119
OpenMP 1928942 0.130 236,237,309,751
Windows Base case 14589000 0.983 N/A
CUDA 458000 0.031 N/A
OpenCL 780M 1180752 0.080 N/A
OpenCL 3080 537289 0.037 N/A


I really need to include more diagrams/graphs and less walls of text.

Overall this was an interesting look into some different parallel programming techniques that can be used alongside regular CPU programs.

